Spring Cleaning: Natural Light with Skylights and Suntunnels

Skylights letting in light in a kitchen

5 tips to improve your home’s look, feel and functionality for Spring

After a seemingly never ending winter, spring is just around the corner. Here are some tips to get your house ready for spring with some cleaning, updates and polish. Yes, there’s probably still snow in the future, but it’s not too early to take advantage of the increasingly nicer days. Take a look around your home for maintenance needs and improvements that’ll let you enjoy the fresh air and sun filled days ahead…. continue reading »

Introduction to SUN TUNNEL Skylights

Before and after of a Sun Tunnel installation in a livingroom

For a low cost, natural lighting option SUN TUNNELS win hands down. Known also as a sun tube, tubular skylight, solatube or solar tube a SUN TUNNEL is an easy way to brighten up an area or room without the time commitment and cost of a skylight installation.
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