
Winter Blues

Sad Winter Woman in Window

We’ve all heard the term: Winter Blues, Seasonal Affective Disorder…whatever you call it, there is a direct link between the colder, darker months of winter and the gory of summer in all her fancy finery. During the winter, a lot of us get stuck indoors at home and work. The real culprit? Lack of sunlight! Although Colorado is blessed with sunshine all year round, the shorter days of winter and cloudy, snowy weather still contribute to this feeling of sadness and a yearning to get outside.

So what can you do to lift your spirits? Studies have shown that natural, full-spectrum sunlight greatly contributes to increased productivity in the workplace and an overall feeling of well-being at home. By bringing natural light from the sun into your house or home office, a VELUX Skylight or Sun Tunnel can help you beat these depressing feelings and emotions.

skylight in a kitchen
skylight over a staircase

One more thing that will help you feel better? Knowing that all Go Solar Skylight and Sun Tunnel products allow you to claim a 26% tax credit at the end of the year! Follow the link to find out how tax credits work and how you can lighten up your home and your tax bill: